Nutrition Focused Physical Examination (NFPE) in Adults for Dietitians (1 Credit Hour)

Event Date : 05/05/2025 - 30/05/2025
Start 5 May 2025


This course aims to upskill dietitians’ knowledge and skills on nutrition focused physical examination (NFPE). NFPE refers to the head – to – toe examination of a patient’s physical appearance and function to determine the signs and symptoms of malnutrition, nutrient deficiencies, or toxicities. The physical examinations include inspection, palpation and evaluation techniques of subcutaneous fat loss, muscle wasting and muscle strength, fluid accumulation, functional status, hair, scalp, skins, nails, and eyes to examine clinical signs of micronutrients deficiency, mouth, teeth, tongue, throat to examine eating and swallowing ability, for adult patients.

By having the physical examination skills, a dietitian is able to

  • Conduct a more accurate, complete, and comprehensive nutrition assessment. Traditional assessment parameters such as weight, height and dietary history which are mainly based on patient interview and recall can be unreliable and inaccurate
  • Detect signs of nutrient deficiencies or problems that might otherwise undetected
  • Validate other assessment parameters that may be unreliable when used alone
  • Determine the most appropriate nutrition diagnosis, the right intervention and monitoring plan which can improve the clinical outcomes

Mode of Delivery / Credit Hour

  • Synchronous = 10 (%)
    Asynchronous = 14 (%)
    Online Delivery Distribution (Synch : Asynch + Idl) : 10:90
  • Credit Hour: 1

Upon completion of this course, the learner s should be able to

  1. Integrate nutrition focused physical examinations in nutrition assessments to determine the patient’s most appropriate nutrition diagnosis
  2. Evaluate the physical findings of body composition, food/fluid intake ability and nutrient deficiencies
  3. Propose the suitable nutrition intervention and monitoring plan to improve patient’s clinical outcomes

  • What Is an NFPE, and Why Is It Important?
  • Update on adult malnutrition
  • Evaluation of subcutaneous fat loss, muscle wasting & handgrip strength
  • Evaluation of fluid accumulation and functional status
  • Identification of micronutrient deficiencies and toxicities
  • Evaluation of eating and drinking ability
  • LIVE demonstration of NFPE on a simulated patient
  • LIVE case study discussion on adult malnutrition

  • Clinical and community dietitians
  • Dietetics educators (lecturers and clinical instructors)

  • Dr Chen Seong Ting
    Senior Lecturer , IMU
    Dr Chen has more than 10 years of experience in dietetics practice. Nutrition focused physical examination ( NFPE ) as part of the nutrition assessment is one of her areas of interest in research and education. She conducts training to students and dietitians to examine the physical factors impacting food and fluid intake in malnourished patients. Her recent research collaboration includes assess ing change in knowledge, skills, and translation into practice among dietetics educators and clinical dietitians in Malaysia following the NFPE education.
  • Prof Winnie Chee
    Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics, IMU
    Prof Winnie has more than 25 years experienced in academic training, research, and clinical dietetics practice. She has vast experience in training dietitians on nutrition care process and nutrition assessment including SGA and NFPE. She has also conducted research on nutrition status of groups across various age group and disease conditions.
  • Ms Jamilah Abd Jamil
    Lecturer, IMU
    Miss Jamilah’s research focus is in the area of dietetics practice enhancement. H er research is mainly on the Nutrition Care Process (NCP), and recognition of the dietetics profession as part of the multidisciplinary care. She has been involved with the training of NCP for the dietitians in Malaysia . She is also part of the research team for the study that looked into translation of knowledge of N FPE to practice among Malaysian dietitians.


General / Public RM500
Students & Alumni RM400
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