Event Date : 23/09/2023 - 24/09/2023
Event Time : 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Materials : Download PDF

Endodontics often presents clinicians with challenges in various phases of treatment. Endodontic diagnosis, followed by shaping cleaning and obturation are all steps of root canal therapy that can require a thorough understanding and clinical skill.

This course is designed to improve the understanding of endodontic diagnosis as well as the clinical skills required to achieve success in treatment.

The workshop includes 2 days of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises on extracted teeth using the Dental Operating Microscope. The workshop will provide the dental practitioner with the condence to perform root canal therapy under magnication using ultrasonics, rotary systems, irrigation devices as well as thermoplasticized obturation techniques.

The workshop also includes OSCE Stations, and case-based learning focusing on diagnosis, treatment planning, and problem-solving in non-surgical root canal treatment and re-treatment.


  • Develop integrated knowledge of root canal morphological variations, the concept of minimal invasive endodontics, and their impact on endodontic treatment outcomes in multi-rooted teeth.
  • Perform non-surgical root canal therapy using a rotary system and post-endodontic restoration of multi-rooted teeth.
  • Identify possible outcomes of root canal therapy of multi-rooted teeth, as well as the need for future supportive care, prevention, and maintenance.

Keynote Speakers

Dr Shekhar Bhatia

Dr Shekhar Bhatia
Senior Lecturer
Programme Director
Post Graduate Diploma in Endodontics

Dr Kiran Rehman

Dr Kiran Rehman
Division of Restorative Dentistry

Dr Naveen Chhabra

Dr Naveen Chhabra
Senior Lecturer
Division of Restorative Dentistry


Regular RM2500
IMU Staff / Alumni / Student (Non IMU) RM1750
IMU Student RM1250
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